Our range of products
Known as the "King of Spices", our classic black pepper is Steam Treated to remove all impurities. Its timeless warmth, pungent aroma and complex flavor profile offer endless possibilities for exploration.

Add whole peppercorns to release a heady wave of citrus, pine,and pure fiery whisper. It's an aroma that awakens the senses, aprimal promise of flavor yet to come.

Deliver a playful warmth to grilled, baked, roasted, sautéed,and raw dishes, never stealing the spotlight but alwaysamplifying the symphony of flavors and adding a layer ofcomplexity.

From east to west, north to south, ground black peppertranscends borders. This finesse's subtle warmth plays well withall ingredients, making it a universal favorite in everykitchen.
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Son Ha Spice & Flavorings offers conventional and organic spices in highquality to hundreds of customers in more than 25 countries.