All spices are procured directly from farmers with the help of our experienced procurement and field surveyor team based in the growing areas. This allow us to get all the current market and field information with regards to quality and size of the crop.


Our procurement team make regular visit to farmers to build relationship. Every truck load of material and the warehouses are inspected to ensure we receive the correct quality of material. All the suppliers in our supply chain are audited and checked thoroughly.


With our strategic location and supply networks, we are also able to import spices from China, India, Indonesian, Malaysia and other spice producing countries.


All the raw material purchased go through all necessary testing when they arrive at our facility to conform they meet our  basic internal quality specifications.


With our strategic location and supply networks, we are also able to import spices from China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and other spice producing countries.


All raw material purchased through all necessary testing when they arrive at our facility to conform to our internal quality standards.